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Keeping Up With Lingerie Trends

Boudoir Photography Boston, Lingerie, panties

The Latest Lingerie Trends

Need some inspiration for what to wear to your upcoming boudoir shoot at The Pouting Room? We suggest you pay attention to the hottest new trends in lingerie! Lingerie Trend 1: Peekaboo bottoms Feeling cheeky? These sultry bottoms may look demure in front, but they offer a tantalizing glimpse of your sexiest assets. Lingerie Trend […]

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Keep Warm this Winter with Practical Lingerie

Boudoir Photography Boston

Keep Warm this Winter with Practical Lingerie

Bitter cold temperatures will soon leave us all bundled up but what really counts is on the inside: a sexy winter selection of lingerie! There are plenty of practical lingerie pieces that will keep you feeling warm and fuzzy throughout the winter season. Crushed Velvet Bodysuit If you were a big fan of the nineties, […]

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Online Lingerie Shopping Tips

Boudoir Photography Boston

Online Lingerie Shopping: What to Know

Life’s demands don’t always make it easy for us women to set aside “me” time, and it can be hard to find the time to go to a lingerie boutique and try on different pieces. Shopping online is convenient, and with a wide selection of lingerie available, many women are turning to online lingerie shopping. […]

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