The Pouting Room

Prop Ideas to Bring to Your Boudoir Photo Shoot

Props to Bring to Boudoir Photo ShootFinding your inner beauty and strength comes naturally with a boudoir photo shoot, where you serve as the picturesque centerpiece of a stunning portfolio dedicated to the confidence in you. Boudoir photo shoots help you leap outside of your comfort zone to discover new things about yourself to cherish.

A fun aspect of boudoir photo shoots is the ability to use props to faithfully exhibit your personality and to add some elements of luxury and femininity to your photos.

Here are some prop ideas to bring to your boudoir shoot at The Pouting Room.

Props that scream “you”

Boudoir photo shoots let you recapture your special sense of beauty, while appreciating and celebrating your worth and what makes you extraordinary.

Enhance your photo shoot with some memorable props that define who you are. Bring your most treasured book or pack some keepsakes to flaunt your favorite sports team. Think about what makes you tick and display this prop in a sexy, timeless way of defining yourself.

Think luxury and elegance

Add some elegance and luxury to your boudoir photo shoot with items that exude class and grace. Choose long, bold pieces of chunky jewelry to make a statement, or dress up in dainty, sophisticated pearls for a more classic look.

Consider vintage items such as small hand mirrors and fashion accessories like silk scarves and fur stoles or shawls. Incorporating luxury into your shoot lets you shine as the beauty you truly are.


Put your softer feminine side on display with the use of your favorite flowers in your boudoir photo shoot. Choose gorgeous rose petals to channel your inner sexy and seductive goddess, or pin your favorite flower into your hair for a flattering floral accent.

Lacey, floral lingerie is the height of femininity while a single precious flower can be used to add some vibrant color and warmth to your shoot.

Have some great prop ideas in mind? Set up a consultation with The Pouting Room to discuss your prop and outfit ideas today!