The Pouting Room

3 Things New Mommas Can Do to Feel Sexy Again Postpartum

Boudoir Photography in Boston, MA

Postpartum life is a whirlwind. The exhaustion of caring for a baby doesn’t leave you with much time or energy to think about sex. But when things calm down and you do eventually get there, you may find it difficult to feel confident about your new body. Don’t get too discouraged though—with a little patience and self-care, you’ll start feeling like the sexy momma you are in no time.

When you’re ready, here are a few things you can do to help rediscover your sexuality and confidence again postpartum!

1) Get to know your new body.

Before you can really start to feel sexy again, you need to understand and accept the ways in which your body has changed. When the baby is napping or your partner is on duty, spend some time getting in tune with yourself physically.

This might mean stripping down with a glass of wine in the bath, restarting your workout routine, or just taking a good look at your naked body in the mirror. Once you’re familiar with your postpartum body, you get one step closer to truly embracing it.

2) Buy clothes that make you feel good.

It’s tough to feel sexy when all of your shirts are stained with spit up and your pre-baby clothes don’t fit for the time being. You may be reluctant to spend money on new clothes while your body is still changing, but the difference they’ll make in your comfort and confidence is well-worth the investment.

Whether it’s a new dress for date night, sexy nursing bra, or a set of lacy lingerie to show off your postpartum boobs, go out and treat yourself to an outfit (or two or three!) that makes you feel like the sexy, powerful woman that you are.

3) Treat yourself to a boudoir photoshoot.

Remember how we talked about accepting your postpartum body? Well, you also need to celebrate it! A boudoir shoot is the perfect opportunity to set aside some time for yourself, get pampered, and embrace the amazing things your body has done. The experience itself is empowering, and the photos you walk away with will serve as a constant reminder of how beautiful and sexy you still are—even as a mom.

Here at The Pouting Room, we use boudoir photography to celebrate women in all stages in their lives. From the moment you walk into our studio until long after you leave, we’ll make sure you feel sexy and strong inside and out.

Give us a call at 508-603-1163 today to book your boudoir session!