The Pouting Room

Women Empowerment

ADvice, sessions & gorgeous women

Boudoir Photography in Boston, MA
The Post

Postpartum life is a whirlwind. The exhaustion of caring for a baby doesn’t leave you with much time or energy to think about sex. But when things calm down and you do eventually get there, you may find it difficult to feel confident about your new body. Don’t get too discouraged though—with a little patience […]

3 Things New Mommas Can Do to Feel Sexy Again Postpartum

Self Love, Self-Care, Women Empowerment

Boudoir Photographer in Upton, MA
The Post

Women play a lot of roles and take on a lot of responsibility in society and their daily lives. Mother; wife; daughter; career woman; many of us take on some or all of these duties at once and more. It can quickly feel like there’s no time left to take care of your own needs. […]

How You Can Benefit from Joining a Women’s Support Group

Self-Care, Women Empowerment

Women Empowerment
The Post

Empowerment: it’s something we hear a lot about, but how do we actually achieve it? At the Pouting Room, we think every woman should go through life feeling strong and powerful. Here’s how to feel empowered as a woman: Stand up for yourself Too often, women keep silent when others treat them with disrespect. Did […]

How to Feel Empowered as a Woman

Boudoir Photography Boston, Women Empowerment