The Pouting Room

How to Feel Empowered as a Woman

Women EmpowermentEmpowerment: it’s something we hear a lot about, but how do we actually achieve it? At the Pouting Room, we think every woman should go through life feeling strong and powerful.

Here’s how to feel empowered as a woman:

Stand up for yourself

Too often, women keep silent when others treat them with disrespect. Did someone take credit for your idea at work? Speak up. Is your date’s behavior unacceptably rude? Say so. You’ll feel much more empowered when you speak your mind.

Take risks

When you always play it safe, you don’t get to explore all the possibilities that are open to you. Trust in your intelligence, intuition and creativity and try something new! Take up a new sport, even if you don’t know if you’ll be good at it. Start that business you’ve always dreamed of running. As an empowered woman, the world is yours!

Discover the power of sisterhood

Empowered women know the importance of having a support network. Connect with other women, share your dreams and work together to overcome your challenges. If you don’t know many other women, try local women’s organizations, a yoga studio or the library to meet some new female friends.

If you have a Facebook account, be sure to join our VIP Facebook group! Once you become part of the group, you’ll be encouraged to step out of your comfort zone and learn to love your bodies and yourself. You’ll meet some amazing women in the supportive, nonjudgmental, loving and authentic tribe!

Celebrate your unique beauty

No matter your age or your size, we think you’re beautiful! Let go of your inner critic, as well as your inhibitions, and discover how gorgeous you really are. We suggest booking a boudoir photo shoot at The Pouting Room to feel both sexy and empowered. Contact us today!