The Pouting Room

couples boudoir photography

ADvice, sessions & gorgeous women

Why You Should Book a Couples Boudoir Photo Shoot
The Post

Think about all the things you enjoy doing with your partner—sharing meals, walks, conversations and more. Have you also considered doing a boudoir photo shoot together? Here’s why you should book a couples’ boudoir photo shoot right away: It’s a unique way to show your intimacy, playfulness and personality A boudoir photographer can capture the […]

Why You Should Book a Couples Boudoir Photo Shoot

couples boudoir photography, couples intimate photography

The Post

Many brides struggle with a great gift idea for their grooms on their wedding day. You want something personal, unique and thoughtful, but also something he will also truly like. Recently, a hot new trend has popped up on the wedding scene as a tantalizing groom’s gift: Boudoir photography. During a boudoir wedding photography session, […]

Giving a Groom the Gift of Boudoir

Boudoir Photography, couples boudoir photography

The Post

Sexy.  Intimate.  Hot. Yesterday I had the pleasure of photographing a couple who wanted intimate photographs.  It was a birthday gift to his wife.  They were looking to capture the intimacy they feel with each other.  The session was passionate, it was sensual and captured the love they have for each other.  A couples boudoir […]

Couples Boudoir – Looking to spice up the intimacy in your relationship?

couples boudoir, couples boudoir photography, couples intimate photography, couples sexy photography