The Pouting Room
Girl with long brown hair wearing a white bra with the word Brave written on her chest for her In The Rawboudoir session.
In The Raw

The Decision Of Going Out Of My Comfort Zone

I received an invite from a friend to join and follow The Pouting Room on Facebook. She showed me her personal boudoir photos that were done as a Brand Ambassador for 2020. Not only was I inspired from her photo’s and her story behind it, but also with the rest of the chosen ambassadors for that year as well. I loved that there was a group of women of all shapes and sizes supporting each other with so much confidence. Applications for the 2021 Brand Ambassadors were posted a few weeks later. Of course, I was super curious but was hesitating. Was this the right time for me? I had just started my own small business, I was working full time, and was bowling every week – Friday Night League. I was already overwhelmed with the current responsibilities I had & decided that 2021 wasn’t the year. 

It was the end of the 2021. Stefanie posted the applications to look for her next group of women as her 2022 Brand Ambassadors. This was it. I wanted this to be the year I do something for myself more than anything – then the doubts were starting to set in. The same ones that I have battled with my entire life – I need to lose weight, no one wants to see me with little to no clothing on, should I back out because I don’t look or feel good enough? What if I get too anxious and pass out? It was in that moment; I didn’t let anxiety win – I listened to my heart & applied. This is when my journey of loving myself began when I read “It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the Pouting Room family as a Brand Ambassador!!” 

Girl peering over mirrored sunglasses & wearing a AC/DC shirt

The Experience InFront Of The Camera

Every photo shoot captures your story in the most beautiful and personal way you can even imagine. Body Neutrality: In The Raw was the first one. No makeup or photo shop on the skin. This is to show the Real, Raw, and True YOU. Mind you, I was extremely nervous. A photo shoot in just your bra and panties, with other woman you’re just meeting that day, is nerve-wracking. I could feel the anxiety building up, but I didn’t let it knock me down. I took my shirt and pants off, showed off my body, and made sure the word ‘Brave” was written front and center on my chest. Before you know it, I had all the meaningful words I had chosen, written on my body. I felt so strong and empowered, I didn’t want to wash the words off. 

My personal photo session was the next one. I had no idea what I wanted to wear except for one outfit that allowed me to show the Rock N’ Roll side of me. The other two outfits, I had Stefanie help me and took her opinion. All while doubting myself, that I wouldn’t like any of the pictures of myself, especially the full body shots. But when I had my reveal, I could not believe what I saw on that screen. Being known, as the shy and quiet one, to those who know me personally -­­ these photos captured the beauty and badass woman I am. It helped me to see why I liked some of the pictures and why I didn’t like some. 

Girl wearing a champagne colored sheet for a photo shoot
In the Sheets

The third was our “In The Sheets” shoot, which I wasn’t too excited about. I kept having the thought of myself having to lay on a bed, wrapped up in champagne-colored sheets, and trying to make it look like I am enjoying it. But let me tell you, I was so relieved my thought was wrong. I got to stand in front of a backdrop as I was covered in the sheet and having the time of my life. One photo was made to look like the sheet was a cape on me – I felt like a superhero – flying to empower others to take the same risks I took on. 

The messiest shoot was saved for last. Our bodies were getting covered in Gilding Sheets of either Gold, Copper, or Silver. And it was the perfect way to wrap-up this experience. I loved the whole concept of this journey and being able to do it with such strong woman by my side the whole time. When I shared some of my pictures on social media, so many people commented with such positive words. It made me feel so proud of myself on taking the chance of being an ambassador. But the greatest gift, is getting the strength of accepting and loving my body for what it is. 

Girl in bathtub with gold sheets of glitter on her naked body
Covered in Foil

Take The Chance Of Embracing Your Body

This entire experience has been a once in a lifetime opportunity. I am SO glad I sent in that application. I was able to become part of a sisterhood, while creating memories that I will hold onto forever. I took the chance and didn’t let my anxiety take this away from me. I kicked its ass and proved that I am strong. And I know you can do the same. 

Thank you, Stefanie for your encouragement, friendship, and choosing me as your 2022 Brand Ambassador. Thank you, Tracey & Laurie for transforming my beauty through your talents. I was so impressed; I didn’t take the makeup off until a couple days later.

Debbie and Jamie – I am extremely grateful that I was able to take on this journey with the both of you. Thank you for your friendship & trusting me enough to share your own personal struggles. You both have inspired me to stay strong and take chances even when I might be having my doubts. 

Take the chance. Book a boudoir shoot. Do it for yourself and only for yourself. I promise you wont regret it & I will be right by your side, cheering you on. You got this, beautiful. 

xo – Chelsea – 2022 Brand Ambassador 

Interested in doing your own empowerment boudoir session? Schedule a call HERE.