The Pouting Room


ADvice, sessions & gorgeous women

Boudoir Photographer in Marion, MA
The Post

Let’s face it; most of us don’t like to be vulnerable. Being real with other people about your weaknesses, struggles, challenges, and desires is not easy. Too often, we feel as though we need to put on a permanent front of strength and resilience. But nobody has it together all the time, and the more […]

How Embracing Vulnerability Will Make Your Life Better

Self Acceptance, Self Love, Self-Care

Boudoir Photographer in Marion, MA
The Post

We’ve all heard of (or know) a “negative Nancy”. It’s that person that always has a complaint, is pointing out the downside of a situation, and just seems to want to spread their pessimistic view of the world. But what about the flip side? Someone who is always smiling, has a pep in their step, […]

Healthy Positivity vs. Toxic Positivity: The Important Difference

Self Love, Self-Care

Boudoir Photography in Boston, MA
The Post

Postpartum life is a whirlwind. The exhaustion of caring for a baby doesn’t leave you with much time or energy to think about sex. But when things calm down and you do eventually get there, you may find it difficult to feel confident about your new body. Don’t get too discouraged though—with a little patience […]

3 Things New Mommas Can Do to Feel Sexy Again Postpartum

Self Love, Self-Care, Women Empowerment

Boudoir Photography Studio in Boston, MA
The Post

The movement for self-care in our society has gained a lot of momentum over the last few years. While it’s great that more people are recognizing the importance of making time to do positive things for yourself, rising popularity has resulted in a lot of misconceptions about what self-care is and how it works. Having […]

4 Myths About Self-Care You Should Never Believe

Self Love, Self-Care

Boudoir Photographer in Upton, MA
The Post

Women play a lot of roles and take on a lot of responsibility in society and their daily lives. Mother; wife; daughter; career woman; many of us take on some or all of these duties at once and more. It can quickly feel like there’s no time left to take care of your own needs. […]

How You Can Benefit from Joining a Women’s Support Group

Self-Care, Women Empowerment

Boudoir Photographer in Boston, MA
The Post

Working from home; social distancing; self-isolation; shuttered businesses; right now, in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, this is our reality. It’s not ideal—and it can certainly be scary at times—but for now, it’s the best way to keep our loved ones safe and healthy. Being cooped up at home with minimal social contact can […]

A Guide to Self-Care During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Self Love, Self-Care

Boudoir Photography in Boston, MA
The Post

Most of us are guilty of being to hard on ourselves at one point or another. Unfortunately, negative self-talk is more often a habit than just an occasional occurrence, especially in the world of social media where your every move is up for scrutiny. Ridding yourself of those negative thoughts, or at least choosing not […]

4 Steps to Turning Negative Self-Talk into Something Positive

Self Love, Self-Care

Boudoir Photography in Boston, MA
The Post

The end of the year has a funny way of creeping up on us before we seem to know it. With all the chaos of holiday preparation and family coming in from out of town, it’s easy to let your priorities shift and fall behind on taking care of what matters most—YOU! Add these important […]

Keeping Up with Self-Care During the Holidays


Five Little Daily Habits for Practicing Self-Love
The Post

Finding resources to help you learn to love yourself and recognize your worth is pretty easy. There are plenty of books, TV shows, blogs, and accompanying products to help you transform the way you think about and see yourself—but sometimes the actual process can seem daunting and fruitless. You can’t expect to read a self-help […]

Five Little Daily Habits for Practicing Self-Love

Self Love, Self-Care

Importance of Self Care
The Post

Move over, avocado toast. There’s a new millennial trend to take advantage of: self-care. According to NPR, millennials make more commitments to personal improvement than any previous generation, and they spend twice as much on wellness expenses—workouts, life coaching, therapy, etc.—as boomers do. Here’s why millennials love self-care: Experiences make us happier than things Why […]

Why Millennials Love Self-Care

Boudoir Photography Boston, Self Love, Self-Care