The Pouting Room


ADvice, sessions & gorgeous women

Boudoir Photo Shoot
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Being pregnant can be extremely difficult, and so are the hormones that come with it. For many women, the initial months of pregnancy aside from morning sickness, leave them glowing. However, as pregnancy progresses, many women start to feel less sexy and more self-conscious. When you’re going through so many changes, it’s hard to feel […]

Stay Sexy During Pregnancy

Boudoir Photography Boston, Pregnancy Boudoir, Uncategorized

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“Oh my god!  I could Never, would Never be able to do a boudoir photography session!”  But you’d be surprised. I’m often asked who is my typical boudoir client?  The simple answer is that there isn’t one. My clients run the gamut whether it be age, body type or personality.   I’ve had clients as young […]

Who does Boudoir and why?


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I’m often asked, “How did you get into Boudoir Photography?”  It is a great question as it’s a very niche specialty.  I actually branched into boudoir from my maternity photography.  I believe a woman’s body is amazing, especially when pregnant.  My maternity clients would leave their sessions feeling beautiful and confident.  Which, lets face it, […]

Why I am Passionate About Boudoir Photography!


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I was skeptical when I saw this little number on the hanger. But WOW! Who knew such little pink colored fabric could do so much. Take a look for yourself. Enjoy the images.

Strappy Little Number . . .


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There is just something about cowboy boots that is inherently sexy. Especially if they are all you are wearing. I LOVED these turquoise boots Miss Amy wore for her boudoir session. Something to think about for the next cowgirl photo shoot. #thepoutingroom #cowboyboots #boudoirphotography

It’s All About The Boots!


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I know, I know it’s 2 days before Christmas and I’m already talking about Valentine’s Day. Well for those of you who missed out on having a boudoir session for the Holidays you can always do it for him for Valentines Day! Mention you saw this post and receive $50 off your order, when you […]

Valentine’s Day Sessions!


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Boudoir photography is a very private, intimate experience. That said, I am always thrilled when my clients give me permission to use their images. Understandably, few do give me such permission. Miss Katie is stunning.  Don’t you agree?



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I love trying different things with my clients. Her fiance is a Harley Davidson enthusiast so I rounded up a 1976 Super Glide Harley for her to pose on as an extra surprise for him. A Motorcycle never looked so good.

Sexy Shovelhead


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Sexy is all in the eye of the beholder. This image was captured at a boudoir session last week and I LOVE it! It epitomizes the experience I strive to give all my clients. My goal is always to have you feel comfortable in your own skin and most of all to have FUN!!! This […]

What is Sexy?


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Valentine’s Day is just around the corner.  Give your special someone a gift he will love!  Boudior photography session for 30 minutes, 2 outfit changes and 2 digital files for only $200!  Limited sessions are available.  Hair & makeup is available as add-ons.

Valentine’s Day Special
