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Boudoir Photographer in Marion, MA

Body Positivity, Boudoir Tips

Boudoir Tips for Plus-Sized Beauties

One of the most common misconceptions that we hear about boudoir is that you have to be thin or have the perfect hourglass shape to be able to enjoy your session or produce beautiful photos. This could not be further from the truth! Boudoir is meant for people of all body types and an amazing […]

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Boudoir Photography in Marion, MA

Self Love, Women Empowerment

3 Words and Phrases Every Woman Should Drop from Her Vocabulary

When you begin your self-love journey, one of the first things you learn is how the way you talk to yourself influences your mindset and confidence. Self-talk isn’t the only way language affects your self-perception though; the way you speak to others is just as important. Women in particular have a tendency to diminish themselves […]

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Boudoir Photographer in Marion, MA

Self Acceptance, Self Love, Self-Care

How Embracing Vulnerability Will Make Your Life Better

Let’s face it; most of us don’t like to be vulnerable. Being real with other people about your weaknesses, struggles, challenges, and desires is not easy. Too often, we feel as though we need to put on a permanent front of strength and resilience. But nobody has it together all the time, and the more […]

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Boudoir Photographer near Boston, MA

Boudoir Photography

Occasions that Call for a Boudoir Photoshoot

For many women, boudoir is something they’ve always wanted to do but just never made the time for. We totally get it—it can be difficult to set aside the time, especially for women, to do something that only benefits you. You may feel like that’s time wasted or money spent irresponsibly. While it’s important to […]

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Boudoir Photographer in Marion, MA

Boudoir Photography, Women Empowerment

4 Excuses Not to Try Boudoir That It’s Time to Retire

Pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone can be scary. Nobody likes feeling self-conscious or unsure of themselves. But venturing outside of your comfort zone is important, because this is the only place where growth can truly happen. Doing a boudoir photoshoot is a fun and fulfilling way to step outside of what you know […]

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Inclusive Boudoir Photographer in Marion, MA

Being Inclusive, Women Empowerment

The Pouting Room’s Pledge for Inclusivity: Completing The Boudoir University’s 7 Pillar Program

Oppression; prejudice; racism; bodily autonomy; these are all hot button topics we constantly see being debated in the news. But, to all of us, they are and should be so much more than that. These are real issues plaguing our society and pervading every industry. They affect every one of us, whether we realize it […]

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Boudoir Photographer in Marion, MA

Boudoir Photography, Women Empowerment

How Boudoir Photography Is Actually Empowerment Photography

There’s a certain image that comes to mind when you hear the term “boudoir”. Usually, it’s one of women clad in lingerie or completely nude, dolled up in glamorous hair and makeup, and draped seductively across the floor, bed, couch, etc. While this image is not necessarily inaccurate, it just barely scratches the surface of […]

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Boudoir Photographer in Marion, MA

Valentine's Day Gifts

3 Ideas (Besides Chocolate & Flowers) for Expressing Your Love This Valentine’s Day

When it comes to feelings about Valentine’s Day, everybody falls somewhere different on the spectrum. It seems like you either love to celebrate it, hate it and are convinced it’s a greeting card company scam, or you simply don’t care about it at all. For those who see Valentine’s Day as an opportunity to show […]

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Boudoir Photographer in Marion, MA

Self Love, Self-Care

Healthy Positivity vs. Toxic Positivity: The Important Difference

We’ve all heard of (or know) a “negative Nancy”. It’s that person that always has a complaint, is pointing out the downside of a situation, and just seems to want to spread their pessimistic view of the world. But what about the flip side? Someone who is always smiling, has a pep in their step, […]

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Boudoir Photography in Boston, MA

Self Love, Self-Care, Women Empowerment

3 Things New Mommas Can Do to Feel Sexy Again Postpartum

Postpartum life is a whirlwind. The exhaustion of caring for a baby doesn’t leave you with much time or energy to think about sex. But when things calm down and you do eventually get there, you may find it difficult to feel confident about your new body. Don’t get too discouraged though—with a little patience […]

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