The Pouting Room

Boudoir Photography Boston

ADvice, sessions & gorgeous women

Evolution of Lingerie
The Post

Lingerie today revolves around the woman choosing to wear it. Quite accessible now in a large variety of forms, current lingerie contributes to a unique, modern version of beauty as compared to past eras, encouraging women to show their confidence and strength and exemplify what “sexy” truly means. Though lingerie has evolved into something all […]

Evolution of Lingerie

Boudoir Photography Boston, Evolution of Lingerie

Why We Love High Heels
The Post

When we were little, we stumbled around in our mother’s heels, trying to walk the way we saw her walk because we admired her stature and grace. She was our first role model. As we grew up and became a teenager, runway models in strappy stilettos were our idols as we saw them smirking as […]

Why We Love High Heels

Boudoir Photography Boston, Self Acceptance, Self Love

Tips for Making Yourself a Priority
The Post

Chances are, if you’re a mother or have a very demanding job or a busy social life—or all of the above—you tend to feel stressed and spread thin, especially during the holiday season. When so many people count on you in your life, it’s really hard to put yourself first. But the truth is, if […]

Tips for Making Yourself a Priority

Boudoir Photography Boston, Self Acceptance, Self Love

Keep Warm this Winter with Practical Lingerie
The Post

Bitter cold temperatures will soon leave us all bundled up but what really counts is on the inside: a sexy winter selection of lingerie! There are plenty of practical lingerie pieces that will keep you feeling warm and fuzzy throughout the winter season. Crushed Velvet Bodysuit If you were a big fan of the nineties, […]

Keep Warm this Winter with Practical Lingerie

Boudoir Photography Boston

Boudoir Photography Session
The Post

Although we are all about the spirit of giving during the holiday season, we are in full support of giving a little something special to yourself too. After all, you deserve it! Don’t be afraid to treat yourself during the holiday season and give yourself a sexy little gift that you’ve been wanting! A lot […]

Sexy Holiday Gifts to Give Yourself

Boudoir Photography Boston

Boudoir Photoshoot
The Post

On a normal day, you probably grab the first pair of panties that you see in your drawer, and maybe sometimes a bra that matches them. However, we have talked a lot about how wearing lingerie or a gorgeous bra and panty set can help women feel empowered on any given day. Lingerie might soon […]

Incorporating Lingerie into Your Wardrobe

Boudoir Photography Boston, Confidence Booster

Online Lingerie Shopping Tips
The Post

Life’s demands don’t always make it easy for us women to set aside “me” time, and it can be hard to find the time to go to a lingerie boutique and try on different pieces. Shopping online is convenient, and with a wide selection of lingerie available, many women are turning to online lingerie shopping. […]

Online Lingerie Shopping: What to Know

Boudoir Photography Boston

Boudoir Photo Shoot
The Post

Being pregnant can be extremely difficult, and so are the hormones that come with it. For many women, the initial months of pregnancy aside from morning sickness, leave them glowing. However, as pregnancy progresses, many women start to feel less sexy and more self-conscious. When you’re going through so many changes, it’s hard to feel […]

Stay Sexy During Pregnancy

Boudoir Photography Boston, Pregnancy Boudoir, Uncategorized

The Pouting Room
The Post

Building a vintage lingerie wardrobe is essential for all women. Having a range of different lingerie pieces can help to spice things up, and vintage lingerie is always in-style. Vintage lingerie is well-suited to women of all body types, making it a sexy and sweet option for all women. If you’ve never thought about your […]

Loving Vintage Lingerie

Boudoir Photography Boston, pinup photography

Dating Tips
The Post

Summer temperatures are settling in across the country, Boston included. While all of us would prefer to show up to an evening happy hour looking slightly windswept with pink-blushed cheeks, we’ll likely start showing up with a sweat-soaked shirt and hair that’s slowly expanding. Dating is tough, and dating in summer months while still looking […]

Staying Cool and Sexy on Summer Dates

Boudoir Photography Boston, intimate photography